Dear Colleagues,
some of you are very interested in our observations. To the rest of you, we apologize if they are bored, but we want to be relevant and helpful:

12.03.2018 Gorna Mitropolia-Staroseltsi: Just 4 days ago there was 20 cm of snow on this field. Now the real life for the field begins. Our cereals are perfect as always!

We count 6 aligned tillers in wheat, 8-10 tillers in barley and over 12 tillers in rye. This can and should be fed! Diverse and strong food at the right time. And adequate plant protection without stress. Even better if it's environmentally friendly - work with bioagents too.

Experimental field catch crops. In the control, which is without cover crops, wild mustard grows in high density - the whole field is heavily weeded. But look at the plot with the frosted white mustard - there is no wild mustard, and hardly any other weeds, just suppressed. Under our beautiful turnips there is no chance of weeds at all. Unfortunately it hasn't frosted, it's sitting green and kicking up the soil, so now we'll read the instructions Leader Consulting sent us last week and act on them :).

We'll be sure to get soil samples in this field and then sow corn at different fertilizer rates.

And for a spring and summer mood, I am attaching a picture of our 2017 GOLDIMI CL golden sunflower - a field in Southwest Bulgaria. Surely you also want to grow such a crop - just try it.

Evelina Marinova

So much tilling

The finest cereals

Wild mustard in a bare field

GOLDIMI in Bulagaria, 2017

Frosted white mustard

Same plot, November 2017

Variety FREDDY