• Fodder rye
• Very high dry matter yield
• Suitable as a main culture as well as a catch crop
• Quality raw material for biogas
PROTECTOR is a fast-growing variety of fodder rye, which impresses with its high dry mass yields. Thanks to the tall plants, its excellent winter hardiness and early development, the variety pays off with early and high biomass / feed yields for your farm.


PROTECTOR can achieve a methane yield in the production of biogas equivalent to silage corn.

It is also recommended for compaction of the crop rotation. Excellent anti-erosion action.

Agronomic Characteristics
Winter hardiness very high -
Plant height long 8
Lodging resistance medium 7
Grain Quality
DM - yield high 3
Raw protein content medium 5
Sowing time, seeds per m2 Beginning - mid of September 220 - 280
End Sepember - beginning October 290 - 340
Beginnin October - mid of October 350 - 420
Source: AGES

1… very good, very early, very short, много резистентно; 9… много лошо/слабо, много късно, много висок / дълъг, неустойчив/не-толерантен.